And the right time came and the work was floating…..and in November 2016 the day before my exhibition four women was born and they have something to say ….I did´t know that in the beginning …In my silence I found the answer.
She tells me that, the root is my ground. My culture and my past is what I am.But with open mind, learning and respect for the cultures of others I can see all the beautiful colors that we have in this world.
We have just three colors blue,red and yellow. When we mix them together we find the magic, thousands of different color that makes the Masterpiece “Our World,, and we also find more respect for ourselves when we respect others.
without respect the color is gray.
She tells me that, when I close my eyes I can find my own light. In that light I can find everything I need, all my answer and all my wishes.
She tells me, find your fire inside you and you can do everything. In this fire it is easy and everything flows.
She tells me, that when my life is too easy and too organized I have to make a change and get out of my box. We need challenges to continue and to be whole.
My four peaces in SigmundsRied , Ried im Oberinntal, Austria