I was born in Iceland 24 of December 1966 in the capital of Iceland, Reykjavík. I can´t remember my life otherwise and creating. I have always loved creating and to learn to work with different materials. I have studied a different form of art since 1984 among others at School of Visual Arts in Akureyri, Iceland. That changes my life. I found my passion in the Art. The Icelandic nature have always been source of inspiration for me and
I have combined different techniques of painting and textile in many of my works.
The year of 2012 I decided to expand my horizon and take a trip to Europe with a Mobile Home to see if I found new color and inspiration for my Art. After visit in Skandinavia and US I found my place in a little old town, Hall in Tirol in Austria in a 400 year old house. In a garden of Magic and in this hous maybe a little primitive life but there I found my center.
But life is a movement and after eight years I wanted to give myself a more comfortable life. Within walking distance from my home, I found a cozy apartment with a studio and a small gallery. In proximity to nature where I approach my power and creativity.

Precious moments
My companions
1966: Born in Reykjavík/Iceland.
1983–1988: Graduated in Iceland with different qualifications:
College (Fjölbraut í Breiðholti, Reykjavík) - Art major
School of Homemaking (Húsmæðraskólinn, Varmaland - Borgarfjörður) - Textiles The Technical College of Reykjavík - Technical Drawing and Photography
1995–1997: Akureyri School of Visual Arts (Myndlistaskólinn, Akureyri / Iceland).
During this time I found my artistic orientation in a combination of textile technique
and painting, but also experimented with other media.
1997: First exhibitions.
2002-2012: Running a private gallery in Hafnarfjörður/Iceland.
2012 (August): Scholarship for two weeks at Haystack Mountain School of Crafts, Maine.
Study trip to Boston, New York and Washington / USA.
2012: April to Octotber . Traveling around Europe with my Mobile Home ( minus August ;-)
2012 – 2013: Galerie Oberer Stadtplatz 12, Hall in Tirol, Austria
2013 – 2015: Galerie Schlossergasse 13, Hall in Tirol, Austria
Since 2015: Living studio in the former gatehouse of the Stiftsgarten, Hall in Tirol, Austria
Exhibitions (selected)
2002: Akureyri /Iceland, Galerie Deiglan
2003: Reykjavík/Iceland, Art Cafe: Energia
2004: Hafnarfjörður/Iceland, Galerie Svava K. Egilson: Snæfellsjökull
2004: Reykjavík/Iceland, City Hall
2005: Búðardalur/Iceland, Festival in the town of Búðardalur: Jörfagleði
2005: Grundarfjörður/Iceland, Festival in the town of Grundarfjörður
2006–2011: Hafnarfjörður/Iceland, Festival in Hafnarfjörður: Bjartir dagar í Hafnarfirði
2011: Hrafnagil/Iceland, Art and craft festival: Hrútar
Since 2012: Hall in Tirol: Own open workshop/gallery
Several small exhibition and Art and craft Fair in Aurstria and Germany Among Hall in Tirol Innsbruck / Weerberg / Salzburg /Munich......
2018: Hall in Tirol Stadtmuseum: Metamorphosen
Competition ( selected )
2005: Reykjavík/Island, Icelandic Quilt Society (1. Prize)
2006: Keflavík/Island, Military Base
2007: Reykjavík/Island, Icelandic Quilt Society (2. Prize)
2009: Göteborg/Schweden, Röhsska Museum
2009: Göteborg/Schweden, Nordic Quilt Convention (NQT) (2. Prize)
2009: Reykjavík/ Island, Icelandic Quilt Society (1. Prize)
2010: Birmingham/UK, The Festival of Quilts
2010: Birmingham/UK, European Art Quilt
With magic from the universe, we are created with love and intimacy. So small, so perfect
and so unique. We travel in this world, that gives us infinite amount of information,
we organize and prepare our lives with media and material things.
We slowly start to forget our natural experiences and the relationship with
nature, that is our source.
And sometimes we can´t find our consciousness in the speed.
And we feel we are lost.